Successfully Implementing New Technology

Successfully Implementing New Technology

By following these steps, you will successfully implement new technology that boosts employee productivity and positively impacts your organisation’s success. Indeed, the introduction of new and improved technologies can greatly benefit both your employees and customers. When considering how to get a trademark for your innovations, it’s crucial to also think about how to introduce new technology into the workplace and increase its adoption by end-users. To streamline this process, understanding the patent process can be valuable. Whether you’re exploring Technology One SaaS solutions or planning a Technology One cloud migration, ensuring a smooth implementation is key to maximising the benefits of these technological advancements.

Simply introducing new technology to the workplace won’t make much of an impact if your employees don’t understand what problem you’re about to solve. After spending many months researching, justifying, and preparing to implement new technologies in the workplace, many organisations end up failing to execute these solutions as employees don’t accept the change. Many organisations are so focused on transformation through technology that they forget to devise a change management plan to take all the stakeholders on board. As for international companies, the global service desk ensures that overseas operations run smoothly.

patent process

When organisations try to make changes too quickly or without proper implementation, especially major changes in technology and processes, it can undermine the success of a project and lead employees to feel that the goals of implementing the new system are unattainable. For example, a change plan that assumes employees only need a month to adapt to new technologies provides an unreasonable time frame and is unlikely to include full employee training.

Suppose there is limited coaching, two-way feedback mechanisms, and even technological “problems” that are not addressed during and after implementation. In that case, it should be assumed that it will take more than 21 days to change the behaviour of employees. As with any change management project, adoption and some updates will continue, so it is extremely important to track the new system/technology usage after the implementation phase. A global service desk can help you with the process by giving your employees the opportunity to resolve technical issues sooner and resume their work. As a result, they might be able to achieve a better work-life balance.

Moreover, creating mechanisms to allow employees to share feedback, concerns, frustrations, and concerns as the organisation prepares before, during, and after implementing the technology will have a positive impact on them. Please remember – Inviting all employees to give feedback and share their opinions about the new technology implemented is extremely important because it gives them the feeling that they are being heard by the company. This way, you can help them to feel valued, which can, in turn, result in improved productivity and openness to new ideas to support the growth of the business.

Any introduction of new technology must take into account your values, your people, your work culture, and, most importantly, the type of business operations your employees will be using the technology for. When introducing new technology into the workplace, you need to know who will use it and how. This will help you know how the organisation is responding to technology and even which employees are adopting the technology. If you have a small or medium business, you can also refer to an external IT-managed support to help you select the best IT solution.

Once you have identified the people who will use the new technology being introduced, you can easily determine who your priority stakeholders are and create an educational program that best suits them. Understand your motivations for technology so you can communicate clearly with the key stakeholders making decisions.

The next step would be to allocate some time to discuss new technology with employees and why you believe this particular technology will bring in additional benefits not only for the company but also for themselves. By using clear and frequent communication at the outset, you can ensure that your employees fully understand the technology, why it’s being adopted, and what benefits will be seen long before the change is implemented. It’s essential to gather feedback and input from everyone, including the technical support team, business leaders, implementation project teams, and the employees who use your tools and services on a daily basis. Successful change management requires a good implementation process, starting with top-down communication explaining the need for new technology, a plan for the implementation process, and most importantly, the new solution’s impact on the organisation.

Make sure that the technological changes that will take place are in line with the culture of your organisation. You can continue to evaluate the needs of your teams and look for resources that will ensure the success of your implementation plan.

Please remember – You need your technology to adapt to your business, just like a new employee. Implementing the right technology will greatly add value to your organisation. It won’t happen without challenges, but your organisation will benefit greatly when new technology helps to improve employee engagement, increase productivity, and ultimately have a positive impact on business outcomes. By making sure your staff is aligned with the processes and technology you are adding, you can increase the chances of successful adoption of the new systems.
